Search Results

All search results for . 17691-17700 of 19484 results.

ISDSI2008: International Conference on Decision Sciences and Technology for Globalization

INFORMS Annual Meeting 2012 Phoenix
...The theme of the meeting, INFORMATICS RISING, blends the growing role of OR/MS ...

What's In It For You?
...Whether you have been an INFORMS member for just a few months or several decades...

19th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making
...MCDM for Sustainable Energy and Transportation Systems...

2009 Revenue Management and Pricing Section Conference
...Chair: Martin Lariviere, The Kellogg School, Northwestern University, m-...

In Memoriam A. Alan B. Pritsker (1933-2000)
...Alan Pritsker, one of the founders of the field of computer simulation, passed ...

MSUG Annual Conference
...If you are a Simulation Practitioner, a Manager of Simulation activities, or a ...

9th INFORMS Telecommunications Conference

9th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation and Metaheuristics in Combinatorial Optimization

AGIFORS 2008 Revenue Management and Cargo Study Group
...The Revenue Management and Distribution Study Group offers the latest in ...