Search Results

All search results for . 17721-17730 of 20198 results.

David R. Vinson

Nahmias, Steven

Q&A: Meet the ‘member in chief’
...By Peter Horner...

Brian Y. Lu

Bed Net Plan for Underfed Kids Curbs Malaria Deaths

INFORMS NEWS: INFORMS elections: Call for nominees
...This is the call for nominations for the INFORMS elections to be held in 2016 to...

INFORMS News: In Memoriam - Herbert E. Scarf (1930-2015)
...Distinguished economist Herbert E. Scarf, Professor Emeritus of Economics at ...

What’s in a name? M&SOM, MSOM, and MSOM SIG
...I received emails from INFORMS members asking me about what M&SOM, MSOM, and...

ECCO XXIX - 2016
...Aims and ObjectivesThe ECCO annual meetings aim to bring together researchers in...

INFORMS NEWS: INFORMS welcomes eight Fellows
...Jolly good Fellows (l-r) Pitu Mirchandani, Eva K. Lee, Rakesh V. Vohra, C. Allen...