Search Results

All search results for . 17791-17800 of 20198 results.

Lenient Return Policies: A Double-Edged Sword for Online Retailers
...As consumers become increasingly aware of the conveniences of online shopping, ...

FORUM: A future for operations
...By Stelios Kavadias, Christoph Loch and Stefan Scholtes...

Michael Rappa
...Michael Rappa is the founding director of the Institute for Advanced Analytics ...

Consumer online search habits provide opportunity for retailers and advertisers

Section 13 - Publications

...By Bradley C. Boehmke and Ross A. JacksonPollack, Klimberg and Boklage (PKB) [1...

Who's crunching the data?

Standing out in the crowd: aCAP certification helps distinguish young analytics talent

Virginie Lurkin

Xiaoyang Long