Search Results

All search results for . 2131-2140 of 19484 results.

Overcoming Free Riding in Information Goods: Sanctions or Rewards?
...Overcoming Free-Riding in Information Goods: Sanctions or Rewards?Economic ...

Informs News: Fall 2016 Roundtable meeting roundup
...The fall 2016 INFORMS Roundtable meeting was held on Nov. 12-13 at the Omni ...

Credit Scoring with Social Network Data
...A number of companies are experimenting with the use of social network data in ...

In Memoriam: Thomas C. Schelling (1921-2016)
...Thomas C. Schelling, a major researcher in strategy, negotiation and social ...

Chanaka Edirisinghe
...What prompted you to enter this field? Why? I can honestly say that my basic ...

The Impact of the Internet on Geographic Competition among Small Local Firms
...We study the impact of the Internet on small, boutique firms selling presence ...

In Memoriam: C. Bernard Barfoot (1933-2016)
...C. Bernard Bernie Barfoot of Alexandria, Va., a mathematician and research...

Aiming at a more cost-efficient census via online data collection
...Aiming at a more cost-efficient census via online data collection: Privacy trade...

In Memoriam: Philip S. Wolfe (1927-2016)
...Philip S. Wolfe, a mathematician and one of the founders of convex optimization ...

Analytics 3.0: Where Big Data and Traditional Analytics Meet (Excerpt