Search Results

All search results for . 6381-6390 of 19507 results.

Risks in the Editorial Process
...When I first became the editor in chief of Transportation Science roughly 15 ...

Forecasting 2000
...Forecasting as a formal discipline has arrived. Almost all graduate and ...

Teaching OR/MS to Net-Gens: A Paradigm Gap?
...Technology has shifted the learning paradigm for the new generation of students...

Changing the Face of Industry
...The strength of the OR community is its ability to model complicated real-world ...

Probability Management
...Today's world economy is driven by global uncertainties such as exchange rates, ...

Olympic Tiebreakers: The Reward of Risk and Innovation
...The recent 2008 summer Olympics held in Beijing, China, produced dramatic ...

Most Important Thing Our Profession Can Do
...Softly but steadily, the High School Operations Research project (HSOR) has ...

Close the Barn Door
...As I write this on a beautiful Sunday in September, I'm wondering if my bank ...

Making Heads or Tails of COIN-OR
...COIN-OR was designed following the open-source model to provide a much-needed ...

Cleaning Up for the Millennium
...I have a colleague here at Carnegie Mellon's business school who is a leader in ...