Search Results

All search results for . 6391-6400 of 19507 results.

When a Reporter Calls, Be Prepared
...Alone in our offices with our spreadsheets and our software and our scrubbed ...

O.R., Reporters and Decision-Makers
...As I write this in early September, we're preparing for the association's annual...

Return of the Lone Ranger
...Editor's note: The term "Lone Ranger" first rode into the ...

GUPOR: Great Unsolved Problems in O.R.
...About two years ago, the program committee of the Pittsburgh INFORMS annual ...

Keep Doing Good with Good O.R.
...By the time most of you read this column, the 2008 INFORMS Annual Meeting in ...

Knowing When to Say When
...quot;So how's your teaching going?" the bank manager asked as the OR/MS ...

Unsolved Mysteries
...Many years ago, when I was first introduced to the term "operations ...

Millenium Mania
...The ends of the second millennium and 20th century (even if they will not occur ...

Noah's 3DPP
...The three dimensional packing problem (3DPP) is a particularly complex problem ...

What is the Optimal Number of Wives?
...Suppose we were to look at society and wonder about how to go about addressing ...