Search Results

All search results for . 6511-6520 of 19507 results.

INFORMS' Meetings: Lots of Choices Including Yours
...INFORMS has lots of meetings, and their nature is both varied and evolving. We ...

The Case for Teaching O.R. at Liberal Arts Institutions
...Less than a decade ago, I graduated from a well-known liberal arts school in the...

O.R. and Study Abroad
...Each summer, the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department at Georgia Tech ...

Remembering the Great GBD
...George Bernard Dantzig, widely known as the "Father of Linear Programming,&...

Flexsim 2.6
...If presentation to decision-makers in a manufacturing and materials-handling ...

O.R. in Biz School: A research call to arms:
...INFORMS is running a campaign called "The Science of Better" to ...

James Springer

Charles Stewart

Site Sports New Look and Feel
...If you've visited in the last few weeks, perhaps you've noticed ...

O.R. Confidential
...In today's society with its mass education, universities are intended to cater ...