Search Results

All search results for . 6531-6540 of 19507 results.

Decision Sciences at Air Products
...Editor's note: This is the first in a series of articles profiling members of ...

An Affair to Remember
...What if INFORMS and CPMS, the Practice Section of INFORMS, held a gala dinner ...

Operations Research For Everyone (including poets)
...Operations researchers have now been at it for more than 65 years and have ...

Rowing to Barbados
...In December 2002, Kevin Biggar walked into Andy Philpott's office at the ...

Cheaters Never Win, But Sometimes They Make Better Grades
...When it comes to cheating, I admit I have always been a bit nave. At the start...

Requiem for Beloved Software
...In order to understand the future, one has to appreciate the present as a ...

Francis Galton, Sailboat Routing and Dynamic Programming
...Sir Francis Galton FRS, Charles Darwin's cousin, was a Victorian gentleman and ...

Don't Shoot the Messenger
...By now, long-time readers of OR/MS Today are used to the question: If operations...

Class Warfare on the Internet
...The Internet has long had a reputation as a "Wild West," where rules ...

The Internet is Going to the Dogs
...It seems like there was a time when the Internet was a playground for ...