Search Results

All search results for . 6581-6590 of 19507 results.

Patients Aren't Widgets
...Health care systems are among the most challenging systems from an operations ...

Expectations vs. Complexity
...INFORMS Online (IoL) has been greatly successful in the past. However, ...

O.R. in the Jesuit Tradition
...This year marks my 20-year anniversary at Le Moyne College, a liberal arts ...

Vanguard System
...During the past 10 years there has been a growing interest in quantitative ...

Multicultural Aspects of O.R. Education
...In a culturally diverse and globalized world, awareness of culturally bound ...

Marketing the Profession to Our Students
...The INFORMS marketing the profession (the "Science of Better") ...

The Math Teacher's Parable
...The high school the O.R. analyst had attended somehow looked older and smaller ...

GE Research Wins 2008 INFORMS Prize
...While the Edelman Award is often called the "Super Bowl of O.R." ...

The Golden Goose
...Once upon a time, long ago, in a land far away, a farmer had a goose that laid ...

Grand Challenges for O.R. and Engineering
...Recognizing that engineering advancements can "help people and the planet ...