Past Awards

Gerald G. Brown, Distinguished Professor of Operations Research at the Naval Postgraduate School, has been a member of the NPS faculty since receiving his PhD from UCLA in 1974. Over his 40+ year career, Prof. Brown has established himself as the world’s leading expert in military operations research. More to the point of this award, however, are Prof. Brown’s tireless efforts to improve security, both in the United States and abroad. Prof. Brown’s and his NPS colleagues’ research contributions to methods for defending critical infrastructure in addition to other problems in military and homeland security have been widely recognized. For these as well as basic research accomplishments in optimization theory, Prof. Brown was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2008. Perhaps less known to INFORMS members is Prof. Brown’s role in military problems such as developing a route planning tool for military aircraft operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, a life-saving intervention recognized with the Distinguished Civilian Service Medal awarded by the Secretary of the Navy. Other military applications include developing software for planning Tomahawk missile strikes, and capital planning models for defense procurements.
The President’s Award is given to recognize work that advances the welfare of society. Prof. Brown’s design of new tools and programs have improved both the efficiency and effectiveness of military and homeland security operations. What better advances the welfare of society than successful operations research that keeps us safe and secure? INFORMS is proud to present Prof. Gerald G. Brown its President’s Award for 2016 for his work to improve societal welfare through the identification of new problems, development of appropriate models, and implementation of operations research methods to some of the most pressing military and security issues of our time.