2024 Winner(s)
- Rajesh Tyagi, GR
- Paul Rubin, Michigan State University
- Pelin Pekgun, University of South Carolina
- Arnold (Arnie) Greenland, IBM (Retired); University of Maryland (Retired)
- Irvin Lustig, Princeton Consultants
- Thor Osborn, Sandia National Laboratories
- Shannon Browning, Haskell
- Nicholas Ulmer, CANA
- Zohar Strinka
- Johan Bos-Beijer, Navy/Government, GSA
- Mehran Hojati, University of Saskatchewan (retired)
- Oscar Dowson, Independent Scholar
Purpose of the Award
Committee Chair
Jennifer Mason Lobo
University of Virginia
Questions? Please email [email protected]
The Volunteer Service Award was first awarded in 2016. Its purpose is to recognize exceptional volunteer service to INFORMS.
The award winners will be publicized on the INFORMS website, a dedicated Volunteer Service Award page, OR/MS Today, Enews, Social Media and other media vehicles.
Application Process
2025 deadline is June 30, 2025
Past Awardees
Rajesh Tyagi,
Paul Rubin,
Michigan State University
Pelin Pekgun,
University of South Carolina
Arnold (Arnie) Greenland,
IBM (Retired); University of Maryland (Retired)
Irvin Lustig,
Princeton Consultants
Thor Osborn,
Sandia National Laboratories
Shannon Browning,
Nicholas Ulmer,
Zohar Strinka
Johan Bos-Beijer,
Navy/Government, GSA
Mehran Hojati,
University of Saskatchewan (retired)
Oscar Dowson,
Independent Scholar