Past Awards

Mark S. Daskin received his B.S. and PhD degrees in Civil Engineering from M.I.T. in 1974 and 1978 respectively. He received a Certificate of Post-Graduate Study in Engineering from Cambridge University in England in 1975. He is a Walter P. Murphy Professorship in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences at Northwestern University and has courtesy appointments in the Kellogg School of Management, the Department of Civil Engineering and the Transportation Center. Prior to 1995, he was in the Civil Engineering Department. Before joining the Northwestern faculty in 1980, he was a faculty member at the University of Texas at Austin.
Professor Daskin’s research focuses on the application and development of operations research techniques for the analysis of transportation, supply chain, and manufacturing problems. He is the author of over 50 refereed publications as well as a text entitled, Network and Discrete Location: Models, Algorithms, and Applications. His current research focuses on the analysis of reliability and resiliency in supply chain networks as well as the design of supply chains with low carbon footprints. He is also working on physician-patient assignment models to enhance resident educational opportunities and improve continuity of care in physician training programs.
Within INFORMS and its predecessor organizations, Professor Daskin has served as an associate editor and the editor-in-chief of Transportation Science (1990-1994). He was the program co-chair for the 1993 TIMS/ORSA meeting. He served as the vice president for publications of INFORMS (1996-1999) when INFORMS initiated the PubsOnline system. In 2006, he served as the president of INFORMS with a focus on both publications and membership diversity. During that time, he wrote the software that INFORMS uses to report review times for its journal submissions. He has served on the INFORMS strategic planning committee, the Transportation Science editor-in-chief search committee (2002 and 2008), and the INFORMS nominating committee (1998, 2005, and 2007). He is currently a member of the INFORMS Fellow Selection Committee. Outside of INFORMS, Professor Daskin has served as the editor-in-chief of IIE Transactions (2001-2004) and as the chair of the Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences Department at Northwestern University (1995-2001).
Daskin is the recipient of the Fred C. Crane Award for Distinguished Service from the Institute of Industrial Engineers as well as the Institute’s Technical Innovation Award. He is a Fellow of both INFORMS and the Institute of Industrial Engineers. Prior to being appointed as a Murphy Professor, he was the Bette and Neison Harris Professor of Teaching Excellence. He has also received Northwestern University’s McCormick School of Engineering Advisor of the Year Award. He was part of an Edelman finalist team. He was the recipient of a Fulbright Research Award as well as a National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award.
For his contributions to the field of operations research and the management sciences and his distinguished service to INFORMS and its predecessors, the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences expresses its sincere appreciation by awarding the 2009 George E. Kimball Medal to Mark S. Daskin.
Michael A. Trick received his B.Math in Combinatorics and Optimization from the University of Waterloo and his MSOR and PhD degrees from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He spent postdoctoral years at the University of Minnesota and the University of Bonn before joining the faculty of the Tepper School of Business (formerly Graduate School of Industrial Administration), Carnegie Mellon University, where he is currently a Professor of Operations Research. He previously served as the President of the Carnegie Bosch Institute for Applied Studies in International Management.
Professor Trick’s research is in the application of integer and constraint programming in scheduling and resource allocation. His most visible work has been in optimal sports scheduling where he has written a number of papers on both the theory and practice of scheduling. Other work of his has been in the areas of computational social choice and in transportation scheduling. His research has led to consulting work with numerous sports leagues, the United States Postal Service, the Internal Revenue Service, and many other firms. He has been recognized for his work with an Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, a Hood Fellowship from the University of Auckland (New Zealand), and an INFORMS Fellows designation.
Professor Trick served as the founding Editor of INFORMS Online from 1995-2000. During this period, IOL greatly expanded its scope and offerings and became the preeminent site for operations research information. He was elected to the INFORMS Board in 1998 as Director-at-Large, and was elected President of INFORMS for 2002. During his Presidential year, Professor Trick stressed the value members get from INFORMS, and emphasized the social capital aspects of society membership. The fiftieth anniversary of ORSA/INFORMS coincided with his Presidential Year, and resulted in a number of activities, including a special issue of Operations Research and recognition for the history of ORSA and INFORMS at the Annual Conference. The year was also the inaugural year for the INFORMS Fellow’s program, so Professor Trick welcomed the inaugural class which contained many of the luminaries from throughout the history of operations research.
From 2004-2009, Professor Trick represented North America on the Administrative Committee of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, with responsibility for meetings issues. He continues to sit on a number of INFORMS committees, including the Public Information Committee and some ad-hoc strategic planning committees. He is an Area Editor for Operations Research and an Associate Editor for INFORMS Transactions on Education. In 2006, he was General Chair for the INFORMS Annual Meeting held in Pittsburgh, the largest Annual Meeting up to that time.
Professor Trick continues to use information technology to expand recognition of the field of operations research through his blog and other outlets. His blog is the most read OR blog on the internet with more than 1000 daily readers and is a key introduction to our field for many from outside of it.