Past Awards

Stephen C. Graves has been a remarkably influential and effective leader in the governance and administration of INFORMS (ORSA/TIMS), an award winning and distinguished researcher and practitioner, a leader in service to our journals, and a leader in advising students and practitioners. He has also been an instrumental leader in recognizing and promoting the high-quality, applied work of others.
As president of INFORMS, he was instrumental in guiding the organization through the financial disruption and uncertainty caused by COVID-19 as well as in helping to establish a new strategic plan for INFORMS. Through his editorship of Manufacturing & Service Operations Management and other editorial responsibilities, he attracted exceptional research articles with a focus on practice as well as theory. As long-term editor of the Edelman Special Issues of INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics (formerly Interfaces), as well as in serving as a member of the Edelman Award Committee, Professor Graves played a central role in selecting best practice accomplishments and worked closely with practitioners so that they could effectively communicate their contributions to a broad range of OR/MS professionals.